Chewsing my kind of happy!!

I received a free copy of the book, by Gretchen Rubin for review purposes as a member of the This book has inspired all kinds of happy in Chewsy Central! It was a perfect read to begin the year with so many goals, resolutions, etc already being established. One main thing she encouraged me to do was find “my own kind of happy.” Even though what makes Gretchen happy isn’t necessarily what makes Mandi happy, I loved the idea of her Happiness Project!!

The most valuable nugget for me in this book and in deciding to start my own happiness project was accepting permission to be happy. Sometimes as a wife and mother it feels wrong to do what makes me happy. I will go shopping for myself and come home with something for everyone EXCEPT me! If I sneak off and try to treat myself I feel guilty. Why is that? We are all responsible for our happiness.  I’m learning that its alright to do the things that make me happy. I can be the wife and mother my family needs when I am happy.

So this year, “Im doing me!” I’ve started my own project and have already begun making some changes! Some happy ones!! I’ve outlined 12 things that I want to do/work on this year some superficial like my kitchen, others not so much like my marriage.
(I made Buckaroo some of his favorite cookies “just because”.)

(I am learning to sew and I made these curtains for my kitchen that’s getting a happy makeover!!)

I also wrote down a few key points ( I followed her lead) as to how I can make my resolution achievable which I think is necessary when setting any goal. They say it takes 30 days to develop a habit so I figure if I focus on that “one thing” for the month, by December I will one happy lady on the inside and out.

Join  on January 6th when we discuss Happier at Home. You can on January 7th on Facebook!

What makes YOU happy? Will you do a happiness project this year?

M.W.A.H. ,

The Lady

Culinary Artistry: “We” by Cheo

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending an event called Ujaama Fest put on by my Curlfriend Kiyomi ‘ s salon The Good Hair Shop.

Photo courtesy: The Good Hair Shop

Photo courtesy: The Good Hair Shop

Selfies with my sister AHC Designs!! She was was a vendor. :-)

Selfies with my sister AHC Designs!! She was was a vendor. :-)

In celebration of Kwanzaa, this festival highlights the principle Ujaama (cooperative economics) and gathers indie artisans of all kinds together to market and showcase their gifts. There were drumming demonstrations, food, activities for the children, music, all kinds of beautiful handcrafted garments and jewelry…and this guy…Cheo.<----THIS GUY is redefining culinary artistry.
Coaster Sets by Btd-Ashe

Coaster Sets by Btd-Ashe

I stopped at his table at least three times. Poor thing I know I talked him to death! He had these tempered glass cutting boards with his art on them and it was some of the most colorful, vibrant, expressive art I have ever seen. The irony of all of this is that Cheo “fell into” art, by trying to earn money to pay for culinary school. Cooking is his “principal passion” he says. **Let me just say I was not compensated in any way, product or otherwise to write this post.**

His work was really just that breathtaking. He had coasters, trivets, ceramic mugs, and cutting boards all of which would be perfect gifts for the chef in your life who has everything. It would even be a beautiful addition to your own decor if you have an appreciation of fine art.

Tempered glass cutting board by Cheo

Tempered glass cutting board by Cheo

The piece I fell in love with is called, “We”. It is a must have for my kitchen!! I don’t even think I’m going to prepare food on it because it’s so pretty! I was telling Cheo that I felt like it told the Chewsy Lovers story of meeting in culinary school and falling in love, now working as chefs side by side…*blushing* Lol! Let me be mushy for two seconds!! Sheesh! It has a HOT pink lady (Moi) on one side and a dark green man trimmed in a ROYALESQUE gold on the other side (Buckaroo)! Yes! “We” was fit for Chewsy Lovers!
"We" by Cheo for BTD-Ashe

“We” by Cheo for BTD-Ashe

I can’t wait to get it in my kitchen. If you would like to view the rest of his collection and give some amazing art a new home, visit his website and his Facebook page .


The Lady

2014: We CHEWS Passion!


As a part of a blog challenge we received going into the new year, we were told to choose a word that would best describe what will drive us in our lives and business. My word did not come to me until