Even from the very beginning of our relationship, professionally we have always worked together from catering private events to cooking on the restaurant line together. People always ask us, “How do you do it?” “You don’t get tired of each other?” I don’t know how we do it, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I think a big part of it is that we are best friends and we began our professional relationship as friends, so by the time we got married it was second nature.
This past weekend we attended a “Tweet Up” at McDonald’s hosted by one of our favorite power couples Ronnie and Lamar Tyler of Black and Married with Kids. It was a really cool gathering of social influencers in Metro Atlanta, discussing how to go from working full-time for someone else, to being a full-time entrepreneur.

Ronnie and Lamar Tyler of Black and Married with Kids presenting on entrepreneurship at the #McCafeGrind.
I have always been so inspired by their grind to get up and make it happen everyday, to not just pay the bills, but leave a heritage for their children and grandchildren. They are building a legacy together and I love that. We also met a few bloggers there who were couples and worked together as well.
This meet-up also helped me realize why I love working with Buckaroo and what makes it so easy. We are chefs and if you work in the “industry” you do not have days off. You never see your family, and when people are out celebrating birthdays, and Valentine’s Days, and other holidays, you are the one cooking for them. So deciding to work for ourselves and work together for ourselves has played a huge role in us being able to see our children and be an active part of their lives and also spend valuable time with one another.
Although I would never say, ”QUIT YOUR JOB and go work with your spouse” what I will say is if you and your spouse have like interests and have dreams of running a business, go for it! Don’t let fear of “not being able to work together” or “getting tired of each other” scare you out of making the leap! You CAN run a successful business with your spouse. Pamela King of Still Dating My Spouse let me pick her brain a little bit on this topic since she serves up healthy marriage dibs all the time. This is what she had to say about running a successful business with your spouse:
•Communicate – Share and talk about all aspects of the business.
•Know Your Lane (and stay in it) – Decide who will be responsible for what.
•Keep your marriage and business separate.
I loved this and it also gave me some things to work on. Buckaroo and I generally talk about everything concerning the business. I also know my lane and we have structured our business model based on the balance of our individual strengths and weaknesses. We are still learning how to turn the “business switch” off and just be married sometimes. What can I say, we are a work in progress.
Who’s your favorite power couple and why?
It's easy when you're married to your best friend
I loved this post! Great tips!
Thanks so much! And you’re right Ashley it is. He’s my partner in time and crime.
I LOVE this! Now, my husband and I would have a tough time working the same business together, but we run this household like a business, and he supports my entrepreneurial efforts. I value his opinion and love hearing what he has to say about how to move forward!
Thanks Brandi! I’m the same way with Buckaroo. I love his input and he gives great advice and encouragement concerning business ideas. I love the idea of running the house like a business! Maybe I could finally get some peace if we ran our house like that.